
With nearly 15 years of experience as an independent Physiotherapist in London, Diana is a true musculoskeletal maven. From sports injuries to spinal woes, this clinician's expertise spans it all. Her passion for continued professional development has earned her a post-graduate Diploma in Orthopaedic Medicine and an Advanced Diploma in Musculoskeletal Medicine, with further specialised training in Movement Screening, Strength Training for Runners, and Injection Therapy pregnancy-related conditions, exercise for the childbearing years, and integrated post-natal care; making her one of the most qualified and adaptable Physiotherapists in the London.

Utilising her training in Clinical Pilates and Ante-Natal and Post-Natal Pilates (APPI), Diana can target her experience and skills towards all aspects of women’s health, including pregnancy, childbirth, post-operative recovery and sports/exercise planning. As a qualified Pilates instructor, Diana seamlessly blends her physiotherapy skills with targeted movement therapies to help mothers feel and function at their best.

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