Our MSK Physiotherapy team specialises in restoring function for sports, spinal, and postural conditions through personalised, science-based treatment plans and comprehensive rehabilitation support.

Our highly skilled team of MSK Physiotherapists specialises in sports, spinal, and postural conditions, prioritising the health and welfare of our patients. Leveraging a scientific approach, we aim to restore the normal function and movement of muscles, joints, and other soft tissues impacted by injuries, illnesses, or disabilities.

Upon conducting an in-depth assessment, we clarify your diagnosis and injury, and present a customized treatment plan including the predicted recovery time. Our practice employs a holistic methodology across all stages - from assessment and diagnosis to treatment and advice. We utilise both proven techniques as well as state-of-the-art modalities, such as manual therapy, grade 5 manipulation, mobilisation, and dry needling.

Our specialist physiotherapists are here to facilitate your rehabilitation journey, right from the acute injury phase, pre/post-surgery, until you fully recover. We evaluate the severity and scope of your injuries, then use a blend of intensive hands-on physiotherapy and exersise-based strengthening and mobilisation programs. This strategy guarantees your recovery is swift and efficient, while preventing the risk of complications or recurrence of injury.

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Book free call with Andre and he will listen closely to your case and provide you with the information you need.

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